Build up your foreign language vocabulary, supercharge your learning in a fun and effective way.
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How does it work?
100+ languages to study
Do you want to speed up language learning?
 Mastering the first 50, 100, 500 words is key to fluency in talking, reading, writing and listening.
Spaced repetition
Learning reminders
Flexible learning settings
Images for all words
Custom word themes
Personal card decks
Integrated dictionary
Card pair mode
What our users love about karteto
Have questions?
Spaced repetition is a learning technique that optimizes the retention of information over time. It is based on the principle that the timing of reviewing material is crucial for long-term memory retention. The technique involves reviewing information at gradually increasing intervals, with more frequent repetitions in the beginning and longer intervals as the material becomes more familiar.
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There ARE many good apps to learn languages. Duolingo comes to mind straight away. All apps use different learning methods. The best way to learn a language is to try different approaches. karteto's target is to help you memorize words quickly and effectively - something that other apps only spend a small share of time on.
YES! We have a full pipeline of features coming up. Support us with a subscription - it really does help to keep us developing karteto further!